Localize generated files

To generate localized output use the TranslatingFilter as follows.

For example, imagine you want to generate index.html file which contains the text "Hello, world!". However, when the generator is run in a German environment, you want "Hallo, Welt!" to be generated instead, etc.

To accomplish this, put a key reference into the XSL template, like this: #welcome#. Key reference is a key surrounded by # characters.

Then create a resource bundle containing the keys and corresponding values from the XSL templates. Say, you create a src/main/resources/Resource.properties file as the default bundle with the following contents:

welcome=Hello, world!
log.in=Please log in to start using the system.
# etc.

Similarly, you can then create a German translation as src/main/resources/Resource_de.properties:

welcome=Hallo, Welt!
# etc.

Now, you can configure XSLT generator Maven plugin to translate files before applying the XSL transformation:


And that's all. The generated files will now be localized.

You can also further configure the translation using filterParameters:


The parameters are:

NameDefault valueDescription
startToken#Start token to identify keys is source files.
endToken#End token to identify keys is source files.
bundleResourceThe name of the resource bundle with key-value pairs, eg. generator/translations/Resource.
bundleLanguageCurrent locale language.Sets fixed language to use.
bundleCountryCurrent locale country.Sets fixed country to use.
bundleVariantCurrent locale variant.Sets fixed variant to use.
bundleEncodingMaven property ${project.build.sourceEncoding}.Sets fixed encoding to use when loading the resource bundle file.